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Our Students

The indigenous people of Ecuador live in small communities located in the Andes mountains. Most of them live in poverty and isolation, depending on their subsistence only on what is produced in their small family plots.


First High School graduates in their families and communities


Working or developing their ventures


Completing undergraduate studies

Meet Abigail Tuquerez,  a Saminay student


• The Technical Baccalaureate in Agricultural Production, which allows us to teach through a practical and active approach.


• Leadership and school preparation from action and not just from words.


• Strategic location that allows access from several different indigenous communities.


• Own facilities that guarantee comfort and stability.


• Land of 32 hectares that allows the development of innovative projects and long-term growth.


• Committed, motivated students and families with goals to achieve towards the improvement of their quality of life.


• An extraordinary staff of teachers involved, with attitudes and skills, in the training project of the Center.



• The school has an academic platform that allows students, teachers, and professors to access academic records, curricula, and other information throughout the school year.


Join us in making a change in more lives

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